Wednesday, November 26, 2008

BETH Day 4

I did really well today in spite of making goodies for thanksgiving.  We'll just have to be careful, I think, to watch what we're eating.  I am excited to see the results tomorrow.  I did notice my milk was low which had me concerned.  I had Clarissa nurse a lot, but gave her half of a bottle too.  She was really upset even after her tylenol kicked in (teeth issues we think).  But my calories won't be as low in the following weeks, and it wasn't until the end of the day that we had a problem.  Chris is planning on making HIS stuffing.  He was going to do it tonight but since he's crashed on the couch beside me, I am thinking NO.  He doesn't cook very often, but wants to more.  Well.  I will probably have a happy entry in the morning.

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