Sunday, November 30, 2008

Emotional Eating

You know I was doing so well today.  I weighed in at 199.4 and that was after thanksgiving being this week!  I was really proud of me and I even made sugar cookies and didn't eat anything.  But then I started getting stressed about working.  Should I be looking for a job?  What about my decision to stay home?  I was making myself very stressed out.  I tried to talk about it but that didn't go very well either.  Then I ate some sugar cookies, the ones I'd resisted all day!  AH!  I will be fine but I am so influenced by my emotional mood.  I just want food to make me feel better.  Our food is a bit dull too, can't wait to go shopping and try out some new recipies. 

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Beth- Day 6

I forgot to blog yesterday!  I started to but was distracted by the Zoombinis.  Yesterday was pretty good...except that I had one piece of pizza too many last night.  Today also went well.  I am tempted a lot by foods that I want but most of the time I just remind myself how much I have to lose if I mess up.  Sure a couple of calories won't make a huge difference if it really is just once, but for me it never is just once.  I am so determined to lose weight!  It is really about my health and I am doing it for me. 

Friday, November 28, 2008

Beth- Thanksgiving

So I lost a lot of weight!  I was down to 199.2- which I am sorry to say is still more than my after-baby weight but it is a big improvement.  I was very excited.  I also lost three or four inches...I'll have to check to be sure.  So I lost five plus pounds.  Yeah.  Boy I must've been bloated.

Unfortunately my diet wasn't lovely today.  Well I tried and I didn't do too bad.  I ate a healthy and light breakfast.  I didn't eat anything else until we arrived.  Even thanksgiving dinner wasn't so bad...but I ate more dessert than I should've.  But good news, my tummy told me to STOP.  And I did.

I also ate some bloaty foods: Cauliflower, diet coke.  But I drank a lot of water.  So I may've hurt myself some.  But it was most definitely my best thanksgiving ever.  And even though I slipped up at the end, I am going to do great tomorrow! I was careful to not keep the tempting leftovers or to freeze the other ones.  So Although I do plan on stepping on the scale tomorrow I refuse to be too terribly upset.  I just need a good starting place for the next thirty two weeks.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

BETH Day 4

I did really well today in spite of making goodies for thanksgiving.  We'll just have to be careful, I think, to watch what we're eating.  I am excited to see the results tomorrow.  I did notice my milk was low which had me concerned.  I had Clarissa nurse a lot, but gave her half of a bottle too.  She was really upset even after her tylenol kicked in (teeth issues we think).  But my calories won't be as low in the following weeks, and it wasn't until the end of the day that we had a problem.  Chris is planning on making HIS stuffing.  He was going to do it tonight but since he's crashed on the couch beside me, I am thinking NO.  He doesn't cook very often, but wants to more.  Well.  I will probably have a happy entry in the morning.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Day Three

Well I survived! I weighed myself and I'd lost 2.8 pounds in two days!  I didn't lose anything in my hips, one in my waist, but 2 1/2 in my chest!  Well today wasn't nearly as hard as before.  I even didn't eat anything at Jesse's party.  That was hard...I love cake and ice cream.  I still want to eat often but I can ignore it pretty well.  Like now I want to eat but I know I won't.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Beth- Day 2

Okay I didn't even weigh or measure myself which I so intended to do. I have a raging headache, made slightly better by food or tylenol.  I've had three glasses of water but just regular water.  I will stick to this plan! I feel terrible. I doubt it is the diet though.  I'm just used to eating to make myself feel better.  I so want something else...anything else!  

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Day One

day one, God made light when there was none.  Just kidding.  Diets suck.  I don't like sassy water.  Tastes like cucumber and sour something else.  Breakfast was good, lunch wasn't too bad, but I have a headache and I do not like tomatoes, even when they are little and cute.  The second half of the day was way worse.  I actually had to spit a prezel out of my mouth.  I don't know how it crawled in there.  I was making lunch for my daughters and poof.  Well I am now cold have a headache am tired and I am not looking forward to more yucky water.  What about the yummy water we buy at Hagen?  all well...I DO SO want to be thin, and water and tomatoes (and not eating whatever) are the only complaints with the food I have.

The Flat Belly Diet

Ok, so.  Today is the first day of my new diet.  I so want to go on a diet!  I feel huge, I weigh the most I have ever which stinks.  I have not enough energy to go around and so much stuff to do to keep up with cleaning, cooking, church plant activities, american heiritage girls stuff, marriage bonding, Cavy cleanup etc.  My feet hurt.  My back hurts. So.  I am afraid that I'll lose my milk since I am nursing, but it seems unlikely since this isn't an extreme diet (1600 cal a day) and I am sure I will be getting better nutrients that I otherwise eating right now is not nutritionally sound.  So later today when it is not the middle of the night I will weigh myself and stuff.  Not sure if anyone will read this but me...maybe Chris.  So it's a four day "anti-bloat" so we lose the water we are retaining and see some quick results.  I am bummed about getting off of coffee.  I might have to actually get enough sleep.  Since I am writing this at two in the morning, clearly that isn't happening. But I had to grocery shop and then I was motivated to clean...well boy I am full of excuses, huh?  But I was able to talk to Brooke in Greece, so it wasn't all bad.  Ok.  Goodnight.