Sunday, June 10, 2007

Lost Control and Got it back!

I guess the times when I want to loose weight I successfully convince myself that THIS TIME it will be about lifestyle changes. But what I really was doing was trying to prove something to someone, or impress someone. The last time I updated my blog I was 164, with only a few lbs left to my goal, well I did reach that goal but it was also in time for the conference I was attending. Well when you go on trips, away from a discipline life, you somehow get into this mindset that even your new lifestyle will vacation too. It should be ok to do this, but you have to pick yourself back up and get back on track when you return home, but that isn't what happen, in fact I can't really remember October - March. I can think of things that help me add all 22 lbs back, I was not too devastated when I got on the scale again and notice it, I knew I did it, but I still was disappointed with all the hard work I had put into it. I was frustrated that I may have to go through months to get back there. Then I skimmed a book, You on a Diet, by Dr. Oz he comes on Oprah quite often, and it started to make me think to try this lifestyle change again. This book wasn't a diet plan per se, it was more like, here is what your body does when you do this, or eat this, or eat too much, so on and so on. I was very interested, but I just was finding it tough to change my habit of eating seconds, eating fast, even it Beth was making healthy meals. I then went home to Texas, this does it too me every time, Boy do I miss Mama's cooking, and guess what...I didn't anymore for 5 days...I feasted and I feasted good. This was the point when I officially had gained all that was lost, so I got home and decided I just need to detox my body of toxins first before going back on my quest for a continous lifestyle change so one day when I went to Jamba Juice, the dentist recommended I take Alaina there for lunch, so I did. And guess what, they had a detox book there, so I bought and took it to my wife to read and she did, this was on May 2nd. After reading it, she said we should do it, so we bought a juicer. The day after Memorial day we started our detox/fast, I had planned on going on fresh juices slowly, like 1 a day for a week, then 2 a day for a week, and then all meals for a week, but Beth decided she was going into it full force and doing a 14 day detox/juice fast...I joined her. Today we are on day 13 and I am happy to say that I have lost 13 lbs, and Beth has lost more. Day 10 for some reason was hell for me, but I survived it. We have had lots of Jamba Juices on this detox and at the beginning I could finish their original size, and now I find it difficult to finish their small 16 oz. This has been like a natural way of getting your stomach stapled. We are about to embark on the end of this and I am amazed of the changes in how I feel. I don't need as many naps, I have clarity in thinking, skin feels different, I can go on. My will power was gone, and I really needed this detox to show me I still have it and now I have lost half of what I want to loose, and I did it in two went by fast! So here I am at 170 lbs ready to loose 15 more lbs, which by the way will be helped by Beth and finally walking, but that is another blog....this one is really long!

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