Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Pictures: Face shots

September 11, 2005
May 06,2006
September 13, 2006

Pictures: Body shots

April 25, 2006

September 27,2006

New pictures taken

I have lost 96% of what I wanted to loose, and now I am on the road to building muscle onto what I have always known as a poorly defined body. I have always been weak so and I felt it necessary to take before pictures this time (with my shirt off-very rare for me) My wife thinks it is hilarious that I am taking pictures with my shirt do I somewhat, but if I am going to work this hard, I want see before and afters. Another thing I have noticed is boy do I need some sun!!! Not sure I will post the pictures until I get much closer to where I want to look like, but I will post some pictures that show obvious weight loss. Enjoy....i guess?!?!?

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Body Fat Measurement Report #3

I joined the gym a little more than 6 months ago and I can honestly say I have not been consistantly going like I thought I would. I also am not updating my sites like I thought I would either. Anyway, I called the gym to schedule an appointment to get my fat tested again-remember the first time I was 25.9% (unhealthy or obese --however you want to see--neither not good.) Well I am happy to report that I have dropped 4.5% since March to 21.4% (right in the middle of the acceptable range. So as I said with my first report, after I reach the acceptable range, I will then make it a goal to achieve the fitness range which is 14%-17.9%. Since my ultimate goal is 14%, and I have 7.4% to get there, I decided to try to reach an additional 3.7% body fat loss (half of 7.4%) in the next 6 months (next March). So the goal is to hit 17.7% by my 33rd bday.

Remember to comment-- hit on (#) comments (in green) below and then let me know what's on your mind?

Monday, August 28, 2006

Weight Watcher's Report #2

I have lost 8lbs for the month of August....WOW! I am now 164.4 only 3.4lbs to get that 161 mark.

August 7th-171.6 a loss of 3.4
August 14th 170.4 a loss of 1.2
August 21st 167.0 a loss of 3.4
August 28th 164.4 a loss of 2.6

Total WW loss of 10.6lbs

People are noticing now!

Monday, July 31, 2006

Weight Watcher's Report #1

At the end of each month I will post the success of is what happened in the first week of WW.

I lossed a total of 3.6lbs...I am 175!

For my height weight watchers wants me to be at a maximum of 161. so two goals now....get to 161 and loose more body fat...stay tune.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Need more than the gym

Last week I decided to get my body fat tested since it had been since March. When i started the gym I was 183 (10lbs less than my heaviest ever). So I had lost 5lbs since then. Since it was only 5lbs since the last measurement. I knew it would not be much...I was right. I tested 23.9% ( a loss of 2%). I was disappointed that I had not utilized the gym to my full potential, but my trainer then asked, how are you eating? I reported that I hadn't really changed, and my weight has remained the same for at least a month. Of course I already knew this, but he had to kick me in the butt and remind me to eat right. So today I started weight watchers at 178.6 lbs and body fat % at 23.9%

Monday, March 13, 2006

March 13th, 2006 BodyFat% Measurment

My first official testing of my body fat was done today at Gold's Gym. The outcome was 25.9%. I was in the unhealthy catagory, And according to this website,, I am obesed! I like Gold's terminology better! My first goal is to make it to the acceptable catagory(18%-25%) and then work my way to the fitness catagory(14%-17%). My trainer says it is easier to go from 25.9% to let's say 20.9% than it is to go from 14% to 13%. Focusing on body fat loss is better than focusing on how much weight is loss. When doing weights your muscles get stronger, thus you may weigh more. It is also said that your muscles burn more calories when stronger. So this is the route I am taking. I am limiting myself to only 65 grams of fat daily, and along with the 4 times a week, hour long excercise at Gold's, I am excited to see where I am on April 13th. I am getting measured, next week, that should be shocking!

Calories Burned today: 500