Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Body Fat Measurement Report #3

I joined the gym a little more than 6 months ago and I can honestly say I have not been consistantly going like I thought I would. I also am not updating my sites like I thought I would either. Anyway, I called the gym to schedule an appointment to get my fat tested again-remember the first time I was 25.9% (unhealthy or obese --however you want to see--neither not good.) Well I am happy to report that I have dropped 4.5% since March to 21.4% (right in the middle of the acceptable range. So as I said with my first report, after I reach the acceptable range, I will then make it a goal to achieve the fitness range which is 14%-17.9%. Since my ultimate goal is 14%, and I have 7.4% to get there, I decided to try to reach an additional 3.7% body fat loss (half of 7.4%) in the next 6 months (next March). So the goal is to hit 17.7% by my 33rd bday.

Remember to comment-- hit on (#) comments (in green) below and then let me know what's on your mind?

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